Om Kapp Verde / Sobre Cabo Verde
Om Kapp Verde / Sobre Cabo Verde
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Nyhetene Kapp Verde skal inneholde aktuell informasjon om Kapp Verde og forskjellige projekter som venneforeningen Amigos de Cabo Verde er engasjert i. Det krever vedlikehold og her trenger vi interesserte.... https://www.embcv.pt/lista_conteudos_sub.asp?idcont=3455&idarea=4&idsub=786 https://expresso.sapo.pt/vulcao-deixa-de-ameacar-povoacao-da-portela=f900279
VOLCANIC ERUPTION ON THE ISLAND OF FOGO, CABO VERDE - CALL FOR SOLIDARITY WITH AFFECTED POPULATION The emergency situation on the Island of Fogo, namely in the area of Chã das Caldeiras has worsened in the last days with the total destruction of the two main villages of Portela and Bangaeira, calling for the solidarity of all Cabo Verdeans throughout the world and of governments and organizations, friends of Cabo Verde. Since the beginning of the eruption on November 23, several hundreds, if not thousands of families have been displaced from their homes and in need of all kinds of assistance and services. The priority of emergency teams in the field was to evacuate the people and fortunately no loss of lives or injuries have been caused. Given the scarcity of resources for the country to deal with the consequences of this natural disaster considered the worst in Cabo Verde, national and local Cabo Verdean authorities have put out a strong call to the international community for assistance towards the Island of Fogo and Cabo Verde, at this difficult moment of its history.